Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Cultural Factors of Euro Disneyland In Terms Of American and French Essay

Cultural Factors of Euro Disneyland In Terms Of American and French Practices and Behaviours - Essay Example This paper tells that Euro Disneyland has become one of the major tourist attractions for Europe and France. There are various elements of the theme park which are now subject to discussion in this paper. These elements refer to cultural factors, mostly in terms of American and French practices and behaviors. This essay shall answer four questions. The first shall use Hofstede four cultural dimensions as a point of reference and discuss the key cultural differences between the United States and France. It will also discuss how Trompenaars’ research helped explain the cultural differences between the US and France. This essay will also discuss the three mistakes made in the management of Euro Disneyland. Finally, it will present three lessons which the company should have learned on how to deal with diversity. These questions are being discussed in an attempt to re-assess the cultural elements involved in the management of Euro Disneyland, in the hope of making eventual suggest ions on the management of the current resort or other companies seeking to secure their businesses abroad. Americans and French perceive each other differently. The Americans perceive the French to be arrogant, flamboyant, and emotional. They are also perceived to be hierarchical in their power structures in organizations. On the other hand, the French perceive Americans to be aggressive and unprincipled, immorally liberal, as well as highly stressed workaholics. Power distance refers to the understanding within organizations of the extent to which power is distributed within the institution. Within the American and French cultures, power is hardly distributed evenly.   It is founded on management positions within the organizational culture and based on the power distance relationship.  

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